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Header Australia 1200x627 V01
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Top 10 essential facts about Australian e-commerce in 2024

In this factsheet covering cross-border e-commerce in Australia you will find, among other things, what countries and online marketplaces Australians buy from and what other key characteristics apply to Australia.

E commerce Sheet Beeld 2022 France EN
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Top 10 essential facts about French e-commerce in 2024

In this factsheet covering the French cross-border e-commerce market you can find out what countries and online marketplaces French customers buy from and how they like to shop and pay when ordering packages online abroad.

E commerce Sheet Beeld 2022 Germany EN
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Top 10 essential facts about German e-commerce in 2024

In this factsheet covering the German cross-border e-commerce market you can find out, among other things, what countries and online marketplaces German customers buy from and how they like to shop and pay when ordering packages online abroad.

Country Factsheet Beeld 2022 België EN
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Top 10 essential facts about e-commerce in Belgium in 2024

In this factsheet covering cross-border e-commerce in Belgium you will find, among other things, what countries and online marketplaces Belgians buy from and what other key characteristics apply to Belgium.

Header Canada 1200x627 V01
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Top 10 essential facts about Canadian e-commerce in 2024

As Canada's e-commerce market continues to thrive, staying informed about the latest trends and consumer preferences is crucial for online retailers. Our newly released 2024 E-commerce Country Factsheet provides a comprehensive overview of the Canadian market, highlighting key statistics and actionable insights to help you succeed.

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Top 10 essential facts about American e-commerce in 2024

In this factsheet covering the American cross-border e-commerce market you can find out, among other things, what countries and online marketplaces US customers buy from and what their key preferences are when ordering packages online abroad.

Country Factsheet Beeld 2022 UK EN
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Top 10 essential facts about UK e-commerce in 2024

In this factsheet covering the UK cross-border e-commerce market you can find out, among other things, what countries and online marketplaces UK customers buy from and what their key preferences are when ordering packages online abroad.

Article Factsheet Italy 2023 EN 01
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Top 10 essential facts about Italian e-commerce in 2023

Want to know what countries Italians buy from online, how much they spend, how they feel about delivery methods and what payment method they prefer? Discover 10 interesting facts and use them to boost your online business in Italy.

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How to Meet the Expectations of eShoppers in Belgium and the Netherlands

If you are looking to expand your e-commerce business in Belgium and the Netherlands, it's crucial to understand the specific trends & preferences and expectations of the local consumers. In this report, we will provide you with insights into the e-shopper trends in these two countries.

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