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Home > News Overview > Efficient Shipping Solutions for niceshops in Benelux and France

Efficient Shipping Solutions for niceshops in Benelux and France

29 October 2024 | 4 minutes read

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Although niceshops is a highly successful e-commerce retailer (annual revenue 2023: over 140 million euros), they continuously strive for improvement. Landmark Global successfully helped them achieve more efficient delivery of their packages in the Benelux and France.

Austrian based online retailer niceshops is a household name within the world of e-commerce. Servicing about 1.2 million active customers globally through 21 different online shops in various product segments. Niceshops is the market leader in several European markets with online shops such as 3DJake, Ecco Verde and, offering a comprehensive product range that includes around 2.5 million in-stock products. At that pace every part of the service needs to run 100% smoothly, to avoid any kind of delays, undeliverables, and above all, risking customer satisfaction. “Niceshops was not totally happy with the logistics and shipping part of its operations, and reached out to the market to optimise its processes, improving cost efficiency and safeguarding customer satisfaction”, says Andy Mann, Account Manager at Landmark Global.

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niceshops looking for a “one-stop shipping” solution.

niceshops looked for a single shipping expert who could offer a one-stop solution for a combined set of shipping lanes. But beyond that, they were looking for a partner, not just a supplier. They needed a flexible easy-to-contact team that was always available for advice, suggestions, and issue management. And that is exactly what Landmark Global is all about.

In summary, our solution focused on three key areas: we offered an easy and efficient operational solution, connected niceshops to the Mercury software platform for easier shipping administration and monitoring, and last but not least, we dedicated a direct contact person and expert team to support, advise, and assist them with all of their shipping challenges.

Landmark Global’s offering consisted of a single-lane solution for all the destinations niceshops tendered for. Additionally, we simplified niceshops’ warehouse operations by collecting all parcels, sorting, and shipping them from Landmark Global’s Benelux distribution center, making niceshops’ operations much simpler and more efficient.

niceshops much appreciated the way we handled the onboarding process. Putting our offering to practice we thoroughly prepared and tested it. While communicating pro-actively we could swiftly take the right decisions and managed to launch the implementation full scale after a few weeks..

We greatly appreciate the direct support from the Landmark Global experts. They assisted us in overcoming some IT-challenges while implementing the new way of working, navigated us through customs questions, implemented an easier solution for our warehouse, so we could focus more on other aspects of our service.

Christina Ortner, Circle Lead Delivery, niceshops

Market and customer insights available at niceshops’ benefit

As part of the service we also offer niceshops insights in customer markets, as we collect data on preferences and behaviour of online shoppers. This means we know what specific customer types per country prefer in terms of shipping and delivery options, and that expertise is very valuable to niceshops.

Niceshops also integrated the extra PUDO (Pick-up and Drop-off) solutions in their customer delivery offering, thus increasing customers’ options to have their parcels delivered in a more flexible way.”

This true partnership for the Benelux and French market has proven to be a successful combination, the opening up of new lanes is only the push-on-a-button away in the integrated Mercury IT-platform!

Mercury, much more than a logistics tool

Mercury is a single web-based platform that creates shipment data, generates labels, and gives you detailed tracking data about sent parcels. Mercury allows you to make reports, consult invoices and even manage your fulfilment activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What were the main challenges faced by niceshops in their shipping operations?

Niceshops sought to optimize logistics and shipping to improve cost efficiency, avoid delays, and maintain customer satisfaction. They needed a one-stop shipping solution with a reliable partner for seamless operations.

How did Landmark Global help streamline niceshops' shipping process?

Landmark Global provided a single-lane shipping solution, simplified warehouse operations by centralizing parcel collection and sorting, and connected niceshops to the Mercury software platform for easier administration and monitoring.

What additional support did Landmark Global offer during the implementation process?

Landmark Global assisted with IT challenges, provided proactive communication, and swiftly launched the full-scale implementation after thorough preparation and testing. They also dedicated an expert team for ongoing advice and issue management.

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